Current Challenges in industries:

  • To improve from the current level of managing Enterprise risks in a siloed manner with different departments managing risks through spread sheets and manual registers.
  • Embedding Risk Management across all business processes.
  • To identify and implement an integrated, cohesive, automated Risk Management system in place to continuously address the enterprise risks and mitigate/transfer/avoid them to achieve better Governance and remain solvent.
  • Proactive and continuous monitoring of risks to achieve compliance with IRA at all times.
  • To avoid:
    • Operational Risks
    • Financial Risks
    • Fraud Risks

Why any organization invest in GRC?

  • Enterprise wide Risk visibility which will become valuable input for Risk capital decision making. compliance 1
  • Pro-active and continuous monitoring of risks, issues, remediation efforts, testing the operating effectiveness of controls – all possible through implementation of Oracle GRC.
  • Board level visibility of KRIs & KPIs through inbuilt Dashboards & intelligence.
  • Oracle GRC will allow KENYA-RE to meet the regulatory demands of IRA and FRA.


Oracle Fusion Financial Reporting Compliance Cloud Service documents your business practices so that you can satisfy financial reporting regulations. Use it to:

  • Define business processes, identify risks to those processes, and formulate controls to address the
  • Evaluate risks, and analyze the impact of controls uponcompliances 2
  • Assess objects regularly to determine operational effectiveness accurately and comprehensively, and ultimately to strengthen financial-reporting controls.

Financial Reporting Compliance makes its introductory appearance among Fusion Cloud applications, so in a sense, everything about it is new.