Recent research and studies shows that the average database growth is 25% annually and this requires resources to retain and manage valuable corporate data. Many organizations face challenges due to increased expenses and cost for managing data in terms of resources i.e. hardware, software, human-power, finance, compliance, governance, risk etc.
Many organizations think 50% storage utilization is acceptable—as companies buy more systems instead of leveraging existing systems more efficiently.
Exponential data growth can be attributed to the plethora of government and industry regulations regarding extensive data retention policies facing organizations today. In the past, data that had exceeded its useful life would be erased or retained—often in a manner that made it difficult to be found and retrieved. Now, this information is being retained indefinitely and IT must be able to locate it within a reasonable period of time.
There are a number of reasons businesses like yours are archiving data. Some need to meet regulatory compliance. Others do it because it helps their business systems run more efficiently. Many companies are finding ways to repurpose or reuse existing data and monetize their digital assets.Whatever your reasons, archiving your data can save resources like time, storage space, and ultimately, money.
Organizations must also factor in the operational impact that increased retention presents to IT departments. The proliferation of new hardware will take up valuable data centre real estate and consume additional power and cooling resources.